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Title: El Sherana/ El Sherana West: compilation and assessment of uranium data
Title Holder / Company: BHP Minerals
Coronation Hill Joint Venture
Report id: CR1988-0468
Tenure: MLN23;  MLN26;  MLN27;  MLN28
Year: 1988
Author: Porter, CA
Abstract: The report is a detailed compilation of uranium assay information for the El Sherana and El Sherana West mines and surroundings. It is complementary to CR, a compilation of gold information on the deposits. Despite difficulties caused by sporadic assays, particularly of gold, it appears that the gold distribution extends beyond the high grade pitchblende pods which in places contain visible gold and forms an envelope around the poddy high grade uranium mineralisation. Production from El Sherana was 38,437 long tons@ 12.42lbs/ lt U3O8. From El Sherana West, 21,316 lt @18.35lbs/lt U3O8 were produced. UUNL records show that an estimated 2000 tonnes @ 1.8kg U3O8/ t remains at El Sherana , and 8,600 tonnes @ 6.2kg U3O8/ t at El Sherana West. The report claims there is considerable potential along strike and at depth, particularly for gold.
NOTETwo plates missing
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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