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Title: Technical report for the Bluey's Silver project, EL 10228 Arltunga, July 2002 to July 2003
Title Holder / Company: Silver Standard Australia
Report id: CR2003-0269
Tenure: EL10228
Year: 2003
Author: Carthew, S
Abstract: The Bluey's Silver soil geochemical anomaly and the discovery outcrop of silver-copper-lead-antimony is found in a complex nappe structure. A moving loop EM survey was undertaken to test for sulphide conductors about the Bluey's Silver Prospect. A late time conductor was recognised immediately northeast of Bluey's Silver Prospect. The response is interpreted to be a steeply plunging cigar shape body , but probably needs additional geophysical survey to better define drilling targets. A narrow weak anomaly is detected at the base of the quartzite hill that coincided with an ET MLEM anomaly. Additional geological mapping and sampling is recommended.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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