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Title: Report for the Arthur Hills project covering the 1999 field season
Title Holder / Company: Normandy NFM
Report id: CR2000-0062
Tenure: EL8473;  EL9560;  EL9561
Year: 2000
Author: Smith, MEH
Abstract: During 1988, Normandy FM negotiated an agreement with the NT Department of Mines and Energy to provide a group reporting arrangement for the Arthur Hills project exploration licences. It was also agreed that the report would cover a calendar year field season exploration activities rather than anniversary year. This document is the first Arthur Hills project annual report. Exploration activities proposed during the project area during 1999 could not be completed as the Central Land Council had not completed the necessary ground clearances in time for the 1999 field season.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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