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Title: 1979 Exploration on EL 1708 and EL 1240 Bonaparte Gulf Basin
Title Holder / Company: Aquitaine Australia Minerals
Mimets Exploration
Report id: CR1980-0092
Tenure: EL1708;  EL1240
Year: 1979
Author: D'Auvergne, PB
Heuillon, B
Lee, J
Abstract: Exploration in the Northern Territory tenements of the Bonaparte Basin is being extended. The most significant area of known mineralisation is located at the Sandy Creek Prospect. Further exploration in this area during 1979 confirmed that the deposit is still 'open' to both the northeast and southwest requiring additional drilling in these areas. Further detailed exploration is required in the Ochre Mine area to test the geochemical anomalies defined during 1979. A strong emphasis towards a better understanding of the stratigraphy, and the testing of possible structural-synsedimentary targets, which present the potential for larger-higher grade deposits will be pursued in 1980.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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