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Title: First annual report to 25-02-1994 SEL(A)8493 incorporating ELs 7696, 7960, 7971, 7998, 8006 and 8103, West Mount Bleachmore project
Title Holder / Company: Johannsen, LA
Report id: CR1994-0429
Tenure: SEL8493;  EL7696;  EL7960;  EL7971;  EL7998;  EL8006;  EL8103
Year: 1994
Author: Johannsen, LA
Abstract: Various features defined by airborne magnetics and airphoto's were followed up by uncorrected ground magnetics. Various anomalies were then further followed up by RAB drilling. The material derived from drilling appeared to be the weathering product of feldspar and biotite of the Mount Bleachmore Complex. A single diamond drill hole was completed (50.5m). This hole intersected vermiculite primarily.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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