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Title: Final report, licence to search for coal No 2, Keep River
Title Holder / Company: Western Mining
Report id: CR1983-0300
Tenure: LSC2;  CL2
Year: 1983
Author: Meyer, GM
Abstract: This report deals with a search for Permian coal in the Bonaparte Basin. The study was following up previous reports of coal in petroleum wells in the area and previous exploration for coal to the north. Samples from AAP Keep River 1, AAP Moyle and Kulshill wells were subject to mean-maximum vitrinite reflectance studies. The coal and shale is all of a similar rank - classified as subbituminous C and highly volatile bituminous. A literature search revealed that CRA had previously drilled in the area and the coal lease was relinquished.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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