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Title: Annual report on exploration, 12/12/1981 to 11/12/1982.
Title Holder / Company: Uranerz Australia
Carpentaria Exploration Company
Report id: CR1983-0011
Tenure: EL2570;  EL2571
Year: 1983
Author: Fergusson, KM
Taylor, KS
Abstract: Exploration Licences 2570 and 2571 are several ELs covering the Missionary Syncline being explored for uranium in a joint venture between Uranerz Australia and Carpentaria Exploration Company. Exploration activities during 1982 in the project area included a re-evaluation and re-interpretation of all data in order to gain greater understanding of the sedimentlogical controls of uranium deposition.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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