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Title: Milligans Lagoon, Annual report year ending 08-02-1982.
Title Holder / Company: St Joe Bonaparte
Report id: CR1982-0185
Tenure: EL1708
Year: 1982
Abstract: Exploration in EL 1708 during 1981 was undertaken in conjunction with work on the adjacent 'Keep A' mineral claims and Rocky Knob EL 2168. In these areas follow-up investigation during 1981 of surface showings of lead and zinc mineralisation included the drilling of three precollared stratigraphic diamond holes for a total drilled meterage of approximately 765 meters. Because of the thick cover of Nilligans Eeds and florder Creek formation over the Burt Range formation catbonates in EL 1708 additional work in this licence during the 1982 fIeld season will be dependent on the results of the exploration work in the adjacent tenements. Further work, including diamond drilling, is proposed during 1982 to determine the potential for development of signifitant lead and einc mineralisation within the Burt Range formation carbonates along the Spirit Hill fault structure in the adjacent 'Keep A' mineral claims and the 'Rocky Knob' EL 2168.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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