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Title: 1981 Annual Report, Mineral Exploration in the Sandy Creek, Winchrope Trend Mineral Claims, Bonaparte Gulf Basin, Northern Territory
Title Holder / Company: Aquitaine Australia Minerals
Report id: CR1982-0164
Tenure: EL2166;  EL2167
Year: 1982
Author: Rowley, M
Abstract: Exploration for the stratabound base metals mineralisation was conducted in the Sandy Creek and Winchrope Hill area. It includes drilling of 7 holes and selected samples from these holes were assayed for Pb, Zn and Ag. Pb as high as 24.6% was found only in one hole intersection, whereas Zn up to 3.98% was also found. Lithological and gamma/composite logs are included in the report.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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