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Title: 1981Annual report on mineral exploration in the Cuesta Ridge area, Keep 'A' and Milligans mineral claims Bonaparte Gulf Basin, NT
Title Holder / Company: Aquitaine Australia Minerals
Report id: CR1982-0163
Tenure: EL2168;  EL2169;  EL2377
Year: 1982
Author: Pithers, G
Rowley, M
Abstract: Both lead and zinc mineralisation were intersected in all the drilling in the Cuesta Ridge Area, the only significant mineralisation appears to be the mineralisation intersected in drill hole NBB 5001(highest values includes Pb 0.95% - Zn 4.58%). Most of the mineralisation occurs as vein and fracture filling galena and sphalerite within the lower Burnt Range Formation unit. Further drilling is warrented to follow up the mineralised intersection. lithological and gamma logs are included in the report.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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