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Title: 1981 annual report on EL 2803 mineral exploration and re-interpretation of the geology and mineral claims in the Ochre mine area, Bonparte Gulf basin, Northern Territory.
Title Holder / Company: Aquitaine Australia Minerals
Report id: CR1982-0162
Tenure: EL2168
Year: 1982
Author: Rowley, M
Pithers, G
Abstract: During the reporting period, re-interpretation of the geology of the eastern margin of the Bonaparte Basin under the exploration license was undertaken. An attempt was made to understand the stratigraphic and structural controls on the mineralisation which can help to establish the potential of surrounding area. In addition, a deep stratigraphic hole was drilled to assist in the correlation of the Ochre mine geology with the area further south of Winchrope Hill. Lithological and composite logs are included in the report.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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