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Title: EL 246 Spirit Hill annual report period ending 27-06-1975.
Title Holder / Company: Aquitaine Australia Minerals
Report id: CR1975-0127
Tenure: EL246
Year: 1975
Author: Randohr, R
D'Auvergne, PB
Abstract: Exploration activity on this EL resumed in June 1975 after a pause of almost two years. A drilling program is under way to investigate possible occurrences of lead and zinc north of Spirit Hill. The Devonian and Carboniferous stratigraphy and structure away from The Spirit Hills outcrops was poorly understood because of very limited outcrops, widely separated. To assist our interpretation, we decided to drill stratigraphical drill holes north of Spirit Hill along one of the seismic lines. Four bore holes are planned with 1000 metre spacing. These bore holes aim for stratigraphical information and also should reveal whether lead zinc mineralization, which was encountered in the Spirit Hill number 1 bore, extends to the basin margin. At the end of the reported period, the first drilling was in progress. Preliminary results will be submitted in the next quarterly report. The drilling contractor is Davies Drilling Company. The rig used is a Schramm machine using reverse circulation. This rig was mobilized from Kalgoorlie. Approximately 25 km of road grading was necessary to provide access to the drill sites.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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