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Title: Exploration Licence 416, for the period ending 27th June 1974
Title Holder / Company: Aquitaine Australia Minerals
Report id: CR1974-0154
Tenure: EL416
Year: 1974
Author: Ramdohr, R
Abstract: The area covered by EL 416 was explored by base metal mineralisation. A toal of 11 rotary-percussion holes were drilled which intersected sub-outcroping Burt Range Formation. An airborne mangetometer survey was carried out which revealed a large domal strucutre northeast of the area. Systematic IP work was also done, revealing several anomalies. One of the anomalies were tested by driling two diamond holes., however, no mineralisation was found. Lithological logs of diamond drill holes are provided. Futher drilling is recommended to test the anomalies. The most prospective area is to be covered by Mineral Claims.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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