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Title: Annual report on EL 246, Spirit Hill
Title Holder / Company: Aquitaine Australia Minerals
Report id: CR1973-0211
Tenure: EL246
Year: 1973
Author: Ramdohr, R
Abstract: Exploration activity was conducted over the Spirit Hill area for base metal mineralisation. Geological mapping suggests that mineralisation generally occurs at the contact between dolomitic sandstone and overlying sandstone of the Burt Range Formation. The mineralisation particularly occurs in sandstone where it infills scourages and faults within the dolomitic sandstone. 71 rotary percussion holes were drilled into the Cainozoic sandy plains but no geochemical anomaly was found. Drillhole logs are included in the report.
NOTEFigures incomplete
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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