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Title: Second combined annual report EL 10078, EL 10142, EL 10158, EL 10302, EL 22917, EL 22919 and EL 23185 Harts Range Project, for year ending 27 February 2005
Title Holder / Company: Tanami Exploration
Report id: CR2005-0051
Tenure: EL10078;  EL10142;  EL10158;  EL10302;  EL22917;  EL22919;  EL23185
Year: 2005
Author: Rohde, C
Abstract: This report is the second combined report for the Harts Range Project and describes exploration carried out on all current tenements for the year ending 27 February 2005. The Harts Range Project lies in Central Australia about 140 kilometres east northeast of Alice Springs. Access is via the Stuart and Plenty Highways, and then station tracks. Exploration during the year consisted of an assessment of the Harts Range Project with the result that ten tenements were surrendered. A helicopter-based rockchip sampling programme was carried out on EL 10078 to test previously defined HyMap anomalies. A total of 55 rockchip samples were taken. No elevated gold or base metal values were returned. However, HyMap correctly identified stratigraphic packages of calcsilicate, linear chlorite-carbonate anomalies corresponding with retrograde shear zones and anthophyllite anomalies. None of these were associated with mineralisation.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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